Actor Aadhi Pinishetty and Nikki Galrani are finally hitched. The couple got married in a closed ceremony among their friends and family in a Telugu style wedding. While the couple is yet to post anything on their social media handles, we have got some exclusive pictures from the event for you. The couple went for gold outfits.
Aadhi decided to go for a silk gold kurta and a zari worked dhoti set. He also wore a pattu dupatta shared by Nikki. Meanwhile, Nikki complemented her groom in a gold saree with zari detailing on its body and borders. She paired it with a red stone worked blouse matching the saree’s hem. For the Jillakara Bellam also, she went with a gold saree with a matching ivory blouse.
Aadhi decide to style his look with a set of haram studded with pearls. For Jillakara Bellam, Nikki went with some emerald studded diamond jewels while for the wedding she decked up in antique gold jewellery. HD makeup and gajra adorned hair completed the look.